Institutional Investor rebrand
Oversaw and led art team in the rebranding of Institutional Investor, which included relaunching a redesigned print magazine, website with new data-visualization tool and video series. Redesign team included logo/typography consultant Henrik Kubel, Video and Deputy Art Director Diana Panfil, Assistant Art Director Kimberly Lum, and digital design consultant Linsey Fields.
The intent was to hearken back to the magazine’s roots (the first issue was published in 1967) and emphasize its history of critical, tough-minded journalism covering the world of finance.
More information on the project’s typography can be found at Fonts In Use.
The intent was to hearken back to the magazine’s roots (the first issue was published in 1967) and emphasize its history of critical, tough-minded journalism covering the world of finance.
More information on the project’s typography can be found at Fonts In Use.